Placemats & Coasters

A Rubber Grip Placemat and Coaster (TBR1 and CR1, Gold)
Available in Silver, Gold, Blush Gold and Black. Brushed finish.
TBR1 Black
TBR1 Silver
Other anodised colours, and bespoke sizes, can be produced by special order.
Available simple brushed or with Rubber Grip (non-slip silicone rubber grip dots on the surface).
The plain brushed type can be produced with cork backing by special order.
Coaster 90 x 90 mm C9 with Rubber Grip CR1
Placemat 240 x 190 mm TB24 " TBR1
Placemat 305 x 255 mm TB30 " TBR2
Placemat 390 x 290 mm TB40

TBR2 Black
If you are interested in stocking Kaymet, or purchasing for hospitality use, then take a look here.